Friday, March 10, 2017

Feb 28,2017 "Hebrews 12:6"

So in the missionary world, we use the term "killing a companion" when your companion goes home. 

Bye bye Sister Goncalves. 

Also here is Sister Nunez and I's last picture together. She also went home. 

Look how happy she looks. 

Here is my new companion. This is Sister Lu from Tai zhong, Taiwan. She loves ramen and loves to clean our apartment. She is also about the same size as me, and has cute clothes. Also whenever she speaks, people listen so intently to her words. Also she was half trained by Sister Nunez. This is going to be a good transfer. 

This week I feel like I was nonstop being chastised and fixed up. But it's not like people were straight up yelling at me. I just had a lot of experiences where I realized that I could do better. That's the awesome thing about God. He always wants to make you improve. He doesn't just throw us down to this earth and leave us be. He gives us Taiwanese companions who are so bomb at talking to people and sharing scriptures and helping them understand the teachings of Jesus Christ to show us how we need to work hard too. 

"For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth" (Hebrews 12:6). 

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